For your information, our products are shipped from South Korea.
All international deliveries are shipped through EMS and come with a tracking number.
Estimated shipping takes about 7-14 business days (which excludes holidays and weekends).
Once the package is handled by courier service, We do not have control over delivery and are not responsible for any mistakes made by courier such as lost package, damage to orders in transit, etc. To prevent your packages from being miss-delivered or lost, please double-check your shipping details before placing an order.
Please be aware that international customers are responsible to pay any applicable inbound duties, taxes, and any other fees outlined by the local Customs authority. We have no control over these charges and it is your responsibility to pay these fees to receive the parcel.
Unfortunately, We are unable to give any advice on these charges. Therefore, It is advisable to contact your country's custom webpage for detailed information such as estimated charges and rates on packages coming from overseas.
If you have a specific question about your shipment, kindly contact us at and provide your order number.